***Please note that after switching from several different hosts before settling on Blogger, the formatting of my pictures may not be as it was originally intended. I simply don't have the time to go back through years of posts in order to fix the orientation of the pictures. Sometimes a picture just shows a box of text in its place, but clicking on it will allow you to see the picture. Others, there may be no picture at all. I apologize.***

January 10, 2009

I've done some calculating....

and even though my old counter doesn't currently work, I remember what it was at when I made the post indicating that I was getting close to offering some Boot Loot for hitting 100K.  For those of you new to my blog, Boot Loot is what I prefer to call Blog Candy.  So much more personalized for my blog, don't ya think?  ;) 

Anyway, thanks to TypePad keeping track of daily hits and me knowing where I was, and doing some rounding down because I didn't want to do any "hard" addition (hey, I never said I was good at math!!) I came up with a new beginning tracking number of 101030.  So...last night, I started my tracker there and then today and tomorrow I will gather some Boot Loot up and post it here on Monday for you to try and win. 

I have no idea what you will have to do, say, or think to win it, so hopefully I'll come up with that too.  I want to do something fun/funny. 

Any suggestions????

Have a great weekend!!


  1. I have an idea for your boot loot feedback. Since you were honest about miss calculating on your blog count, we should tell you one of the times we've miss calculated. "missed the mark moments" can be pretty funny once you learn to laugh about it.
    Yesterday I trust my memory to help guide me out of my driveway as I backed up (due to frost still on my rear window).. I ended up hitting a snow bank! So much for my memory to help out my limited vision! By the time I straightened myself out my window fully defrosted and all was well, but my pride:}
    Hope you have a great day!

  2. Ooh, I like Erica's suggestion for the question, since I have a 'missed it by this much' story from this week. Yeah, like I need STUFF. Not.

  3. u r way too funny - hopefully your weekend went better then mine. ttyl


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it and thank you for adding a little sunshine to my day.

Marie :)