***Please note that after switching from several different hosts before settling on Blogger, the formatting of my pictures may not be as it was originally intended. I simply don't have the time to go back through years of posts in order to fix the orientation of the pictures. Sometimes a picture just shows a box of text in its place, but clicking on it will allow you to see the picture. Others, there may be no picture at all. I apologize.***

January 6, 2009

Getting Close!!

Look for some Boot Loot (aka Blog Candy if you didn't change the name like I did!!) in the near future....100K hits are around the corner - I can't believe it!! 

As I've often said, I'll never be one of those blogs that hits a million in the first year or two - there are some GREAT stampers out there who have - but I do appreciate EACH AND EVERY one of your visits.  Your kind comments brighten my day, and I love to share my project with you and hopefully provide some inspiration for you to get creative. 

Keep your peepers peeled!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo 100K already! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it and thank you for adding a little sunshine to my day.

Marie :)