***Please note that after switching from several different hosts before settling on Blogger, the formatting of my pictures may not be as it was originally intended. I simply don't have the time to go back through years of posts in order to fix the orientation of the pictures. Sometimes a picture just shows a box of text in its place, but clicking on it will allow you to see the picture. Others, there may be no picture at all. I apologize.***

April 28, 2008

I am so whiney....

As I sat here and looked at the sweet comments everyone left for my post explaining my hectic life, I felt like a whiner. Granted, I've only seen my husband for 2 weeks since the beginning of the year, but at least he's safe and sound and not getting shot at. At least it has only been 4 months, not the typical minimum of 6 most Air Force service men and women endure separated from their families (we're lucky, pilots are "typically" deployed even less than that, but they are still gone on VERY frequent 2-3 week TDY's even though they're not actually "deployed"), and THAT is far less than our brothers and sisters in the Army endure. Those men and women can go for 1.5 years at a time, and they're given these little R-and-R trips back home for a few days and that's supposed to be good enough to give them their fix of their loved ones before they're back in the desert getting shot at. So....while I don't mean to minimize what my husband does, or even what I did for my short time in the USAF myself, I realize that I really am not sacrificing a lot right now. I wish for my children's sakes that we hadn't been apart this long, but so does the Army wife who's husband is gone for an 18 month deployment, only to find out he's been "extended" to stay there a bit longer. I know how blessed I am, and I guess the reason why I was whining is because military or not, it is hard being a "single" parent. I don't know how ANYONE can do it. I don't get any time for me, and so the selfish person inside of me is what caused the whining. With that, I will bid you a good evening, thank you for your kind words, and promise to be more aware of all that I have been blessed with rather than writing on here to, perhaps subconciously, recieve those words of pity that will make me feel better and more justified for my whining. I'm glad that they didn't, that they made me realize just how good I've got it! I would like to thank all of our honorable service members who are sacrificing for this country with their time, talent, commitment and sadly their lives, so that we can all enjoy the wonderful freedoms that we are so accustomed to in this country. Let us never forget how we got them! Have a great night!!!!


  1. If it makes you feel better to apologize, then that's good. But I don't think you are whiny - I think you should let yourself be frustrated when you need to be. Give yourself a break! Your family takes sacrifices for our country and for that I am very grateful!

  2. Coming from another military spouse, VERY WELL SAID! It's never easy to be without your special someone!!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it and thank you for adding a little sunshine to my day.

Marie :)