***Please note that after switching from several different hosts before settling on Blogger, the formatting of my pictures may not be as it was originally intended. I simply don't have the time to go back through years of posts in order to fix the orientation of the pictures. Sometimes a picture just shows a box of text in its place, but clicking on it will allow you to see the picture. Others, there may be no picture at all. I apologize.***

April 11, 2007

This is Addicting

Well, I thought I was smart, I mean I passed this test that's going around in e-mail about whether you're smarter than a 5th grader or not!!! Try this out:

Idiot Test


  1. I love that. here is a nother that is addicting http://hk.promo.yahoo.com/movie/superman/Stop_Press_Game/do you have a link for that other one?Thanks Liz

  2. oh crap! I did it 4 xs and got to the QUICK press the circle! and then I thought I pressed the square, but ??? :) heehee...thanks, that was fun, I think! Now that it's 11 p.m. I'm off to bed. I tried that other smarter than a 5th grader one and got a 65%. Hmmm...what does that say about ME??!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it and thank you for adding a little sunshine to my day.

Marie :)