***Please note that after switching from several different hosts before settling on Blogger, the formatting of my pictures may not be as it was originally intended. I simply don't have the time to go back through years of posts in order to fix the orientation of the pictures. Sometimes a picture just shows a box of text in its place, but clicking on it will allow you to see the picture. Others, there may be no picture at all. I apologize.***

May 10, 2007

My name...

This is one of those little blog-things that I post every now and then. I find the M and the E to be slightly contradictory, but it's all for fun. You can check yours out too by clicking the link. Take care! :)

What Marie Means

M is for Mellow

A is for Articulate

R is for Responsible

I is for Ideal

E is for Emotional


  1. I understand completely about the M and E. By emotional you probably meant compassionate but that was the wrong letter. These things a really a lot of fun, I'll give it a try. TFS.

  2. Well, that was FUN. I'm a Lily. TFS.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it and thank you for adding a little sunshine to my day.

Marie :)